Our Green Bags are available as Totes, Utility Bags, and Grocery Bags. We have many colors and varieties to fit every style. These 3 product categories vary in size but not durability, they’re all very strong.
The Great Dane Tote Bad
Information on the Great Dane coming soon.
Golden retrievers were breed to, you guessed it retrieve. The instinctively love water and became so popular because they could retrieve ducks and other water foul without damaging the birds. All that beautiful golden dense hair protects them from getting cold on those long fall hunts. What we love about a golden retriever is the love and loyalty they show as wonderful family dogs. Those sweet happy faces greet you when you get home and those big slobbery tongues give you a kiss goodnight. That’s why Scrappy Products decided to make a golden retriever tote. You can’t help but smile and feel the great energy from this bag.
To learn more about the this breed click here: Golden Retriever Information.
Check out our other happy golden retriever bags: Golden Retriever Grocery and Golden Retriever Utility.